Licensing Classes

September 9th – November 4th, 2024

This years classes will once again be at the
Aultman Alliance Community Hospital
(200 E. State St, Alliance)
In the Cafeteria Conference Room. The room is at the end of the cafeteria. Best directions are to come in the main entrance on the south side of the hospital, turn left at the information desk, and go through the cafeteria to the conference room. 

Note: The hospital cafeteria is open until 6:30 for dinner

Class times are
Monday nights from 6pm – 8pm

This year, we will be teaching from
the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, 5th edition 

There is no charge for the class. The License manual sells for $32.95. You do not have to buy it from us, but we ask that you have it the first night of class. 

For more information, or to register, contact John Myers, WG8X

or text (or leave message) to 330-936-5021

In the US, there are currently three levels of Amateur Radio Licenses

Technician – This is usually the entry license, and gives access to all frequencies above 30 MHz. In addition, Technician class operators have access to limited frequencies in the HF bands 

General – This gives you access to all US Amateur bands

Extra – This will give you access to all US Amateur Frequencies. 

For more information about license exams, please check here:

For more information about US frequency allocations, go here:

The US Band Plans can be found here:

Considerate operators Frequency guide
Please note: Band Plans are not the same as frequency allocations. 
While no one “Owns” a frequency, it’s up to us to play nice with other users. So, please consult the “Considerate operators Frequency guide” when choosing an operating frequency.